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Ibn Haldun Academy 2024 Incentive Awards Found Their Owners

Ibn Haldun Academy 2024 Incentive Awards Found Their Owners
The article incentive awards within the framework of “Diluted Times” found their owners after the evaluation process of the experienced jury committee.

 Ibn Haldun Academy, which completed its 6-week academic journey with the theme of “Diluted Times”, witnessed the evaluation and awarding process of the articles written by young academics around the theme of academia this year, just like last year. 

Ibn Haldun Academy Incentive Awards, which encourage young academics to write academic articles around the determined topic and reward their efforts in accordance with Ibn Haldun Academy's aim to talk about the unspoken and to stop and understand the subtle things, found their owners in the last week of the Academy. 

At the Point Where Humanity Seeks Meaning, We Must Have the Answer to Their Search

On June 1, 2024, in the welcoming speeches of the award ceremony held at Ibn Haldun University, Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of our University, stated that Ibn Haldun University is a project that reveals the aim of seeking the agenda of social sciences with Diluted Times and thus Ibn Haldun Academy.  Stating that they want the prominent people of the society to be in touch with these subtle and delicate agendas and that this desire lies at the heart of Ibn Haldun University, Erdoğan added that if we talk about our country in particular, we are on the verge of an elite transformation, but our chances of success are unpredictable. He said that if we are going to talk about Turkey's century, we have not yet been able to create an elite class that will reach that goal, an elite class that will underpin it, and that is why we are floundering, but when we look at it, we see that the world is facing similar problems in such intellectual issues that we complain about in our country. Stating that he does not believe that time will dilute the human search for meaning, Erdoğan said that this process of searching for meaning will confront every human being at some point in their lives. He underlined that in the capitalist universe, we are able to avoid this search for meaning, that capitalism provides us with the content that will allow us to linger, but that he believes that sooner or later, people will get bored with this and search for meaning.  Stating that he believes that at the point where people get bored of meaninglessness and search for meaning, we should produce the content that will answer that search in the intellectual sense, Erdoğan concluded his speech by expressing that he saw that light in the eyes of the young people participating in Ibn Haldun Academy.

Our Aim with Ibn Haldun Academy is to Bring Intellectual Accumulation Together with Young People

Our Rector Prof. Atilla Arkan, who stated that we live in diluted times as well as difficult times to bear, touched upon the Palestinian issue within the scope of difficult times in his greeting speeches.

Stating that the aim is to bring together both the accumulations of our University and the intellectual accumulations in Turkey and the world with young people, Prof. Arkan said that the time we live in is a consuming time and added that our losses against the fast moving time are deep. Stating that this deep loss consumes our human aspect in terms of heart and mind, Arkan emphasized that universities have very important duties in terms of building the meaning of life with their own efforts and that they aspire to this task as Ibn Haldun University. Prof. Atilla Arkan concluded his greeting speeches by stating that a world bigger than 5 will only be possible with our efforts. 

When the welcoming speeches have ended, Ibn Haldun Academy 2024 Incentive Awards were handed over to their owners. Berat Enes Ertürk, a 3rd year student of 29 Mayıs University Turkish Language and Literature Undergraduate Program, won the third prize with his article titled “The Struggle to Live in Diluted Times”, and “The Manifestations of Islamic Belief in Individual and Social Life: The Tradition of Shuabu'l-Îman", Fatma Reyhan Aydın, a graduate of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology, Theology Master's Program, won the second prize, and Selin Bayır, a 1st year student in Boğaziçi University Preschool Teaching Undergraduate Program, won the first prize with her article titled ‘Global Neoliberalism and the Turkish Education System’. 

After the music recital performed by Santurî Sedat Anar and Damla Gürkan Anar and Selahattin Anar, the Ibn Haldun Academy 2024 program with the theme of Diluted Times, which witnessed a full 6-week academic adventure, came to an end with good memories and awareness.
