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Our Students Participated in the International Air Law Moot Court Competition in Mexico

Our Students Participated in the International Air Law Moot Court Competition in Mexico
Students of our university participated in the law-themed competition organized in Mexico under the coaching of our academicians.

Our academics and students participated in the 15th Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition organized by the Lediden University International Institute of Air and Space Law in cooperation with the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico between 12-14 April.  

The event, which attracted participants, academics and competitors from more than 50 countries, demonstrated the global interest in and expertise in this specialized area of law. 

After the written stage, the oral stage, which is a semi-final, was held with the participation of 17 competing teams from 15 different countries. Our students Muhammed Emirhan Sarı, Mustafa Eren Şirin and Furkan Taş successfully passed the written stage and represented Ibn Haldun University and Turkey. Our team, coached by our Faculty of Law faculty members Dr. Ömer Faruk Erol and Muhammed Talha Kaan, was accompanied by a delegation led by our Rector Prof. Atilla Arkan throughout the event.

After months of hard preparation, the Turkish team faced four teams in the semifinals and displayed a successful performance that won the appreciation of their rivals and jury members. In the events organized after the competition, our team members established contacts with other team members and jury members and opened the door to new collaborations. 

In order to prepare the ground for further achievements in the field of law, it is planned to continue the hypothetical case studies within Our University.
