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YÖKAK's 2023 Institutional Monitoring Report on Our University has been published

YÖKAK's 2023 Institutional Monitoring Report on Our University has been published
In the 2023 Institutional Monitoring Report of the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK), it was underlined that the distance our University has covered since its establishment is exemplary.

The Higher Education Quality Board, whose main duties are to conduct external evaluation of higher education institutions, to carry out the processes of authorization and recognition of accreditation bodies and to ensure the internalization and dissemination of quality assurance culture in higher education institutions, published the report of the Institutional Monitoring Program, which was carried out as an online evaluation on 8 September 2023 and a field visit on 11 September 2023. 

According to the report, the steps taken by our University, which has made great efforts to make its strengths sustainable and to improve the areas open to development by examining the evaluations specified in the Institutional Feedback Report prepared by YÖKAK teams in 2021, to develop and improve the quality of education/research in such a short period of time since its establishment, are exemplary, Issues such as the mission and vision of Ibn Haldun University to become a world-class university in the field of social sciences, the effectiveness of its multilingual education policy and internationalization activities, the establishment of a structure where strategic management processes can be monitored through the information system through measurable indicators, the strong quality culture and awareness in the institution, and the awareness of the continuation of the PDCA (plan-implement-check-act) cycle came to the fore under the title of Conclusion and Evaluation. 

Ibn Haldun University's activities such as "teaching assistantship" and "Wednesday Meetings", which can be considered as triggering factors for Ibn Haldun University to achieve its mission and vision, and its cooperation with the world's most powerful companies and important public institutions of our country, the fact that it has succeeded in generating mutual benefit through mutual interaction and that it strives to make it sustainable were also important indicators underlined in the report.

For access to the report: https://yokak.gov.tr/2023-yili-izleme-raporlari-yayimlandi-523